Monday, June 3, 2024

Position Training PT 1

Position Training PT 1

Usually starts with a foot.  Mind you there is almost always a wiggle to the hips in the beginning. Easily mistaken for a flirtatious gesture or just a slight case of nerves, but anyone who has been there can tell what is coming.  Usually after the foot, there is a more obvious significant jerk in the hips, away from the side getting the most attention.  The illusion is that if you shift enough you can avoid the really intense pain.  Truth be told it accomplishes nothing but irritating the man holding the implement, not a smart choice in my opinion.  Particularly intense shots or rapid repetition will produce becoming completely upright, eventually, the feet will try to completely block the ass, and eventually, the hands come back.  The last thing to go is always the knees. It is amazing how knees spontaneously bend at such critical junctures. We are a fairly predictable lot but no matter how it happens it always means the same thing.  Attitude.  Bad attitude. 

Most subs have no conscious intention of being bratty while they are spanked.  We don't USUALLY  have any rebellion at heart, but the part of your brain that thinks that pain sucks and is to be avoided has memorized avoidance techniques, and the part of you that just cannot stop being a brat shows up at all the worst possible times (those two things are weeks of blogs all by themselves.)  Intentional or not the only way to cure a bad attitude is to replace it with a productive appropriate attitude.  What any sub needs is training.

Whether they admit it or not every sub both craves and needs training.  We rebel out of instinct, it is as much a part of us as breathing and kneeling.  We simply do not function without it.  There are as many ways to effectively train subs as there are subs, but a few things remain constant.  It takes time, sorry just no way around that one.  Consistency, compassion, communication, and a heavy heavy dose of viscous are all absolutely essential.  Did I mention time?  Get comfortable, training takes time.

For me specifically physical discipline works best.  Seriously the best.  I mean like a million times better than anything else.  I am also a sub who needs extra communication, and a great deal extra viciousness.  Spare the rod, ruin the rose (I really hate using that reference but sugar-coating the truth gets you nowhere).  So my position training might go something like this...